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History: To Be Continued

If I could go back, Do life all over again. Ask You Lord, what is Your plan for me. And I wouldn’t move, If it wasn’t moving closer to You. If I can go back I’d pray a little longer, Back I’d love a little stronger. I know today a better (Better way) Just wish there was a way back.

The above lyrics are from the song “Back” by one of my favorite, artists Dawkins & Dawkins. I encourage you to listen to it after you read this post.

This was NEVER meant to be a choice.

At some point we’ve all wished that we could go back in time to undo and redo some things. Well, obviously we can’t. However, there is HOPE! I wrote in a prior post that no matter what has happened in our past, we can still have an awesome future. We no longer have to live empty, depressed, and defeated lives because of mistakes we’ve made. The creator will not change our past but He can and will change our perception of the past. Allow Him to do that for you, I PROMISE He would LOVE TO!!!

Here’s what I realized NEXT! (And this really blew my mind). History Is Being Written Every Second!!! Oh My GOD! Ok, let me explain. History is simply the events of the past. Normally we think of history as only what we read in books, or just things that happened years and years ago. But guess what?! Everything we do becomes history immediately after you do it…It’s in the past. Do you have any idea what this means??? It means that every second you’re literally writing your history. How do you want to be remembered? You have the power to create that, whatever it is. So what if you have scars from the past, who doesn’t. Here’s how you heal them. Change your NOW and you Create your FUTURE. Creating your FUTURE Enhances your past (HISTORY). In a nutshell, whatever you do “NOW” will become your history. Remember “NOW” is every second of your life. So the question is: What are you going to do with “NOW”?

“The future is waiting to read your history.” – Don Lamar

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