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A Road Map To Success

Today I decided to focus on goals, MY goals. Do you have goals? I mean real goals, not just ideas that sound impressive when someone asks you about your future. Have you actually sat down and thought about what you really want in life? Did you know that you can will yourself into anything that you desire? This not only involves wanting, but also actions that move you closer to the desired outcome.

Your goals are part of your road map to success. I say “part of” because they are merely the destination(s), you still need to map out how to get there. As a driver I’m dispatched to certain destinations, but I have to plan out the trip there. Remember, Knowing where to go is not the same as actually knowing how to get there.

Step 1 – Create Your Travel Plan– Just as I have to map out my out of town travel routes, so it is with my goals. I can’t just get in the vehicle and say “Hey, I’m on my way to Florida.” I need to figure out the best possible route, for me. What highways should I take, which ones should I avoid? Will I have to pay tolls? How much? How long will the trip take? These are things you need to know before you begin your trip. Planning ahead will keep you ahead.

Step 2- Always Plan Check Points– In your planning you should always have scheduled stops along the way. There are truck stops for drivers all along the road. We need to be able to get fuel, check fluids, get rest, and also eat. Every once in a while you should stop and review your goals. Make sure you’re educating yourself on whatever it is you’re going after. Take the time to talk to those who have already done, or are in the process of doing, what it is you desire. Read books, take classes, do whatever to get the tools you need to continue your journey.

Step 3- ALWAYS Update Your Log– All OTR (Over The Road) Drivers are required to keep a log book which records their activity for every 24 hr period. This is a record of how long you’ve been driving, where you started and where you stopped, how long you rested, and one can even tell how fast you were going. On occasion you may be stopped for an inspection, if this happens they will check your log book. If your log is not current you could be in big trouble, even facing suspension. Not updating your log consistently could set you behind schedule. You should always write down where you’ve been and how often you stopped, as well as the reasons why. At he end of the trip you’ll be able to assess your experience for the next time.

If you don’t have one, get a journal, or at least a notebook. It’s good to be able to look back over your past travels and see what you’ve accomplished. This will also assist you in helping someone else with their journey. It’s been said that experience is one of the best teachers of all. Write down yours so that you can always refer back to it when necessary.

In the beginning I talked about adding actions to your desires. In the bible David made a statement of declaration regarding the laws of God. He said ” I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. David recognized that keeping God’s laws would keep him on the right path, so he made a declaration. Do the same with your goals. Don’t just write them down on paper, but write them in your heart. Every single day, make a verbal declaration that you will stay committed to your goals, no matter what. Committment is doing what you said you would do, long after the feeling in which you said it has left you. SELAH!

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