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My Personal Why

Recently I was asked why I am involved in Network Marketing, I had been asked this question many times before, and each time my answer was pretty much the same…I want a big house, A Range Rover, My Own School, and the ability to go on vacation with my family anytime we felt like it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with those things, and I still plan on having them, among other things. However, this time, I did not answer quickly. When asked about my why (What’s Hurting You) I tried to come up with something more meaningful than just having things. Well, a few days ago, I found my why.

I was at home playing Monopoly with my family. Although we’ve only had it for a short while, my 11-year-old Prince was used to winning. on this particular night, the game started out as usual. He quickly began taking control of the board, even locking down the much desired boardwalk. He was flying high on the clouds of success when suddenly…he landed on someone’s property and didn’t have the money to pay them. He began selling his properties to pay his debts. It seemed as if every time he rolled the dice he lost property. This repeated until he was flat broke. No Money, No Property, NOTHING! While everyone else was laughing and celebrating his loss, something was happening to him. He began to breathe heavy and hold his chest. I asked if he was ok, with tears in his eyes he said “I just feel like crying. What happened??? ” I told him it was only a game and that everything was ok, but he couldn’t stop the tears or his body from shaking. I told him he would do better next time. I told him to Never forget this moment, because that’s how it feels when you can’t pay your bills or feed your family because of what you don’t have. I told him to make sure he studied hard and strived to be successful in life. My heart had started beating faster than normal, and I felt tears began to come. OMG! I thought “is my heart really breaking over a game?!”

Then came the answer…NO! My heart was breaking because I had found My WHY!

To see my sons reaction to losing brought back memories of all my struggles in life, especially financially. Just the thought of him having to go thru the same struggles because of my failure to set the stage for his success was more than I could bear. My why was made clear that day, in that moment.

My Why is to build a legacy for my son and his future children, and their children and

so on. My why is to keep him from experiencing the same anxiety attack in real life that he felt in that game. My why is to have the time freedom to properly mentor him and teach him the ways of a King. My why is to make sure he understands that as successful as his dad will be, it is only a fraction of what he will become. My why is so I can give him the moon and the stars while at the same time teaching him the responsibility of having them. My why is so Instead of leveling the existing playing field I’ll buy him his own field so he can create a climate of True Freedom and success.

Network Marketing is just one of the vehicles I have chosen in my quest for true entrepreneurship. I was told I could totally change my life and have the things I desired. I've seen so many others do the same thing, but now it's my turn. Having my why made clear to me, I now have the motivation I need.

Why am I going to succeed as an entrepreneur??? Simply because of him! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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