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Embrace The Crap!

To my PKU fam, I love you all even tho we haven’t met face to face yet. I just felt led to encourage you all. Being a PK is an honorable position that comes with a lot of stress, but it’s for our good. We are destined for greatness. We just have to believe it.

We’ve been talking a lot about the challenges we face as PK’s. The hurt, the trust issues, unforgiveness, and so many other things. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has thought at some point “why do I have to deal with this crap??!!” Especially as a PK. I’ve been through my share of crap, and guess what? I complained all the way. It wasn’t until just recently that I stopped complaining. Why? Because God has changed my perspective on crap.

It’s interesting how farmers use animal manure when planting. One would think, how can something so disgusting and smelly be used for something good. As much as manure, aka crap, stinks it still serves a greater purpose. It is used to make the soil more fertile which in turn gives a better product. Once the soil is enriched with the nutrients from the crap it provides the perfect atmosphere for the seed to take root and grow. Crazy, huh? IKR! Here’s something crazier… We are that seed!!! YEP! And God allows the spiritual crap provided by satan to infiltrate our soil. That soil is our faith, and the seed is us. The stinky crap has lots of names, such as unforgiveness, hatred, mistrust, hurt, and too many others to name. We often focus on the smell instead of what’s really taking place. When that crap is poured into our soil we need to recognize the benefits that it will produce and begin to water it. Water it everyday by boldly affirming who you are and who’s you are. Keep watering it until you see that hatred sprout into leaves of Love. And that unforgiveness drops the un, and even that hurt turns to joy. Before you know it your mustard seed faith has turned into a plant, then a bush, then a tree, then a forest, then a…well, you get the picture. It’s time to Change our perspective on what’s happening in our lives. First He tells us that He won’t put more on us than we can bear. He knows how much crap to allow each season. Next He tells us that All things work together for our good. He’s basically letting us know that no matter what things look and smell like, it’s being used for our development. So, my fellow PK’s let’s learn to appreciate the crap. Love You All!

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