Don Lamar Take Back Your StoryWhen you allow others to write your story they control the events of your life. They decide where you live, what you drive, who you spend...
Don Lamar I Got NextI remember growing up spending most of my time at 1 of 2 places, church or the basketball court. there was a time when I loved basketball...
Don Lamar Just So You Know.......I SEE YOU!Huh? What?!!! If you're someone who knows me, you're probably trying to figure out who this is about. Well at the end of this post I'll...
Don Lamar Embrace The CrapTo my PKU fam, I love you all even tho we haven’t met face to face yet. I just felt led to encourage you all. Being a PK is an honorable...
Don Lamar Open Your EyesI remember watching the 3 stooges on television when I was a kid. There are far too many funny moments to share, so for this particular...
Don Lamar Be Productive: Just Do ItI just had one of the craziest conversations EVER!!! Someone that I Love very much (they will remain nameless) just said some things to...
Don Lamar Position YourselfI remember when my sons basketball team won their 2nd Championship at the YMCA. Â They played their hearts out against a team that had...
Don Lamar TransformChange is good, Transformation is better! Change uses external influences to modify actions, but transformation modifies beliefs so...
Don Lamar PersevereAs long as you are on the bench you have nothing to worry about. It's when you get up and step out on the field that you will be met...
Don Lamar Take Back Your LifeWhen you allow others to write your story they control the events of your life. They decide where you live, what you drive, who you spend...
Don Lamar Not The SameThe world would have us believe that we are all the same, but I beg to differ. Sameness implies no difference, and i'm sure you're aware...
Don Lamar I'm Still HereSeveral years ago I had the most challenging year of my life. I went through some things that I NEVER thought I would, not in a million...