Don Lamar The Debt SnowballCreating Momentum For Your Financial Future The true path to financial freedom is paved with debt elimination. Building wealth with debt...
Don Lamar 50/20/30 Budgeting Part 3 (Personal)The last category, and the one that can make the most difference in your budget, is unnecessary expenses that enhance your lifestyle....
Don Lamar 50/20/30 Budgeting Part 2 (Savings)The next step is to dedicate 20 percent of your take-home pay toward savings. This includes savings plans, debt payments and rainy-day...
Don Lamar 50/20/30 Budgeting Part 1 (Essentials)Budgets are more than just paying your bills on time—a budget is also about determining how much you should be spending, and on what. The...
Don Lamar What Is A Good Credit ReportPeople want to know how “bad”, “good”, or “excellent” credit can affect them. Honestly, there is no exact science and exact dollar amount...
Don Lamar The Credit Score EffectWe know that if you have bad, poor, average, good, or excellent credit will affect your purchasing power and how good of a “deal” you...
Don Lamar A Happy CustomerIf you have bad credit and/or errors on your credit report and you're searching for highly trained professionals who can analyze and...