I remember watching the 3 stooges on television when I was a kid. There are far too many funny moments to share, so for this particular post I’ll choose one. During this particular episode, clowning around as usual, moe pokes curly in the eyes. Curly yells out and starts frantically jumping around saying “oh, oh, I can’t see, I can’t see”. Moe quickly comes to his buddy’s aide, asking “What’s wrong?”, to which curly responds “I got my eyes closed!”
LOL!!!! Trust me, it’s much funnier when you watch it.
This incident reminds me of many people today wandering around with their eyes closed.
Of course I don’t mean their eyes are physically closed but closed to what’s going on in the world. I group them into two types. The unknowing are those who go through life believing whatever they’ve been conditioned to believe. They watch the 10:00 news and believe every single word they hear, without question. I mean after all, it must be true if it’s on tv, right?! These are not bad people at all, they’ve just been systematically conditioned to only see certain things. As far as they know, nothing else exists.
The second group is totally different, they are The unwilling. When these people see the news they usually see right thru the b.s. They see the educational system failing, they see the attacks on our children, they see the agenda to destroy marriage and the family, and so many other things. However, they act as if they don’t see anything at all. They see injustice at every corner, but they turn the other way as if nothing is happening.
Both of these groups are sleepers, the one honestly can’t see while the other intentionally closes it’s eyes, after it sees. The one needs to be presented with “Truth”that will open their eyes to the way things really are, and hopefully it will spark something within that will cause them to go after the way things could be. The other needs to embrace “Truth” and take responsibility for fighting against what they see. Closing your eyes to problems does not absolve you of responsibility, in fact it obligates you to do something about it. Let’s collectively see to it that eyes are being opened every day. Someone once said “Each one Teach one”, today I say “Each one Wake one”! Selah