After several seasons of coaching YMCA basketball we decided to take the next step up, Travel Basketball. After being off for the fall season everyone is anxious to get started. During a conversation with my 8th grade son, who is the main reason I got into coaching, he talked about all the different ways his game has improved. "Dad, my 3-point shot is awesome, my ball handling is so much better, I even jump wayyy higher." He was going on and on about what he was going to do when he finally got back on the court. In an attempt to bring some humility to the situation, I asked him how he knew he would do those things during the game(s). He said

"Because I know, because I'm ready." I explained to him that it's great to be confident (and to never lose that) , but you must also put in the work Every Time. I shared with him how good I believe he is and that he can go as far as he wants, BUT...I Have Yet To See You Play At The Level Of Your Skill! We talked for a long time sharing our thoughts, and it was a great conversation. I ended with explaining that in this upcoming season he would have to go all out and really take advantage of his skill set. In order to be ready for high school he would need to be consistent in his performance, and always pushing towards the next level. I was very happy with the conversation, I think he finally got it...But, unfortunately, I didn't.
The next day, while sitting at the computer, I heard these words..."What about YOU?" "What are YOU going to do this upcoming season?" Wait. Huh?!! What??? Ohhhhhh. Ok. I instantly got it. The same rules apply to me. You see, I was so focused on telling him how to approach his next season that I forgot that I'm supposed to SHOW him by dominating my next season. 2017 was a pretty decent year, but Nothing like it could've been. Although I had some opportunities that I took advantage of, I failed to perform at the level of my skill. You see, I have what I feel is a very unique set of skills, in fact we all do. It's great when you understand that, but unless you put it to work it doesn't matter. We can talk about our abilities and what we want to achieve until we get tired of talking, but at some point we've got to put in the work to make it a reality. It's time to Level Up!
For me, Level Up has a double meaning. First, we need to bring our actions up to the level of our skill. In our travel league theres a rule that players can choose to play up a grade level, but NEVER down a level. Always perform at the level of your skill until it's no longer challenging to you. That is when you realize that your skills have gone up a level. This brings me to the second meaning of Level Up. As you consistently go all out and play to win your skills will only get better, which simply means you are constantly Leveling Up.

So, what are YOU going to do with this next season of your life? It's a new year, you've got a fresh start. You can either live exactly like you did last season or make the necessary changes so you can Level Up.
As for me, well, how can I teach my kid to shine if I never light up?! Let's GO!!!!!!!!