Here we are, the new year is here. After pondering this next phase in my life I realized that I needed to make some very necessary changes. I will not waste another day of my life entertaining some of the things I have in the past. Everyone has their own thoughts about how to live their life, and that's great, I wish them much success. As for me, I'm directly responsible for how my life turns out. From this moment forward I will be operating under a certain code. I call it The Non-negotiable's.
My Destiny
1. There are things in this world that require my personal attention. I was created to
present solutions to a host of problems facing the world.
2. I was created differently from everyone else. We are all created special beings with
special gifts and talents. we are unique in our own special way, and we must use
what we have the way it was meant to be used.
3. Ours may be linked together, but they are different. Do not ask me to alter mine to
benefit yours. Don't waste your time trying to figure out mine, but instead work on
understanding why you're here.
My Goals
This is the map that will lead me to my destiny. Each goal is reached by using my built-in gps called passion.
No one can change the route except for me. I will make adjustments as I deem necessary.
I recognize that there may be some who have possibly been where I'm going, therefore I am open to suggestions of a better route. However, I am not open to changing the destination based on someone else's passion.
My Sanity
1. I will not allow my peace of mind to be tampered with. Therefore, I cannot take any
passengers that are disruptive in any way.
2. Since negativity is in the opposite direction of where I'm going, I am not open to
discussions involving it.
3. Renewing my mind is a daily process. I am only focusing on what pertains to my
specific destination.