At the age of 12, my son, “Prince” Christian faced a challenge. He’s a good student and has done well in school. His favorite subject happens to be math, and he’s very good at it. He recently had a test in math in which he did well, but he got an answer wrong. No big deal, right?! Wrong!!! It was a very big deal to him. You see, the answer that was marked wrong was actually the right answer, or so he believed. So what did he do? He went to the teacher and told her she had made a mistake. Of course she was sure her assessment was correct, but decided to check into what he was saying anyway. What she found was that Christians answer was actually the correct one. I am very proud of his academic performance, but I am more proud that he had the courage to stand on what he knew. He didn’t just accept what he was told by the teacher, but he was confident in what he was good at. He knew what he knew.

Why did I share this story?!
It’s simple…Don’t be afraid to stand on what you know! Not what you think, but what you are certain of.